Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why You Should Vote In Your Districts City Council Election

Why You Should Vote In Your Districts City Council Election

Atlanta City Council District 9 Candidates

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I have on multiple occasions found a group of individuals airing their frustrations for issues they do not like about their cities, it might have been poor security issues or lack of transparency or any other pressing issues they rightfully have a concern over, but the interesting part is when I then ask them if they voted or not, imagine my surprise when a good number of them tell me they did not bother!

There are various import reasons why you should be voting for either of the Atlanta city council district 9 candidates in the upcoming elections.
1. Exercise your democratic Right
As a resident of a city, you have the right to choose a leader that will meet your interests and areas of concerns. You need to listen to the candidates, pay attention to what they are promising to do for your city and check their track records, and reputation, then once you have a basis for judgement, you can vote to elect the leader you consider the ideal candidate and remove the wrong candidate in office.
2. Vote for both your future generation and yourself
Voting has an impact in the political system which then becomes instrumental to the future of upcoming generation and for yourself in the present because elections come with changes in the political systems of a city.
3. Generation of Employment
The voting system allows for employment of individuals in charge of the election process and counting of votes. These individuals would not have work if there are no voters, there would simply be no need to employ them. Therefore, indirectly, by all of us voting, we eradicate unemployment in our cities.
4. Be used as a Vessel
Been an active voter makes you a patriot of your city. You allow the city to use you as a vessel to put in place the right candidate out of Atlanta city council district 9 candidates. Also, most of us regardless of our religions actually pray for right leaders chosen by God, And when God chooses a leader, he can not come down and vote himself but he uses us as vessels to put that leader that he has chosen in office.
5. Voting allows for peace
Atlanta city council district 9 candidates all claim to be the right candidate for the position, they each have their promises and views on why they are the best candidates and all actually have supporters that believe in them. It might not necessarily be easy to indeed select who is truly the right candidate as no one is actually painting an ugly picture of themselves, on the contrary. Voting then was the only way that was established to solve the puzzle and still select the right leader that also represents the will of the majority of residents. This maintains peace, as we all know, numbers do not lie.
I now rest my case, let us all turn up in large numbers and vote the right candidate among the Atlanta city council district 9 candidates.

The post Why You Should Vote In Your Districts City Council Election appeared first on Line and Tone.


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